March 29, 2010

Tips, Tidbits & Tricks: Spring Cleaning

Pull out those dust rags…it’s spring cleaning time! Below are some tips to help get your house in order (and keep it that way!).

Getting it clean…

Fridge door seals. Clean refrigerator door seals, which can collect crumbs, with hot water and mild dish-washing liquid.

Clean refrigerator shelves. Wipe the interior with a mix of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 quart hot water. Rinse with a damp cloth, then dry with a clean towel. Check out more uses for baking soda.

Soap scum trick. Get rid of soap scum by spraying shower doors with white vinegar, then rinsing well with warm water. Check out more uses for vinegar.

Vodka, anyone? Spritz musty-smelling garments with vodka (spot test first). Vodka kills bacteria and doesn’t leave a scent. Dry in a well-ventilated area.

Look up. Use a broom with a microfiber rag attached to dust crown molding.

[real simple]

…and keeping it that way.

Make your bed. “A crisply made bed makes the whole room seem more orderly, which makes it less likely that you'll let other things -- such as clothes and papers -- pile up around it.” Martha, I couldn’t have said it better.

Manage clutter.
Pick up every night before going to bed. Just 2 minutes each day can make a huge difference in keeping your house tidy.

Sweep daily.
Sweeping your kitchen floor daily will help keep grime and dirt from building up.

Take a minute.
After showering, take a minute to wipe down the tub and faucets with a terry-cloth towel to help remove soap scum and prevent mineral deposits.

[house beautiful]

Get rid of moisture.
Avoid mildew in the bathroom by running your fan during your shower and for a few minutes afterward to decrease moisture.

[house beautiful]

What's on your list of spring cleaning projects?

1 comment:

  1. I sweep my kitchen floor nightly and am suprised at how many crumbs accumulate in just one day! It's a great way to keep things looking, and feeling, tidy.
